What you need
- 3 to 4 cucumbers, peeled and cut into thin slices
- salt
- 2 cloves of garlic, pressed
- freshly ground pepper
- one or two red chilies, without pips and cut into tiny pieces
- white wine vinegar
- sugar
- one sprig of tarragon, one sprig of peppermint, chopped finely
What you do
Arrange the slices of
cucumber on a plate or a flat serving dish and sprinkle liberally with salt.
Leave to stand for two hours.
In a sieve wash the
salt off cucumbers and allow them to drain.
Grind fresh pepper
over the cucumbers, add the chilies and the garlic and mix well.
Put in to a screw top jar
and top up with white wine vinegar.
Add sugar until the
sourness of the wine vinegar is neutralised.
Add the herbs, shake
well and leave to stand overnight. The cucumbers are ready to eat the next day,
the next week or the following month.
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